ART and WRITING Submissions

So, here's what you need to know about submissions:

It can be an art piece or writing (or both) that communicates the best thing about living in the Juneau County area. By art piece I mean painting, sculpture, collage, photograph whatever means best communicates your feelings.

How many can you submit? As many as you like. If there are too many submissions for the art show (what a great problem) we may have to narrow it down to your best submission.

How do I submit? If you can submit it to me digitally via e-mail or CD that would be great. If you do not have the digital know-how, call me and we will arrange a date to take the photo or scan of your project. (I don't want to be responsible for storing your original artwork)!

What happens with the submission? In addition to becoming part of the art show, I will be posting submissions on this blog AND TO THE NEWSPAPER. If you have a photo of yourself I will include that also. so....

IT'S A GREAT WAY TO GET ADDED EXPOSURE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR WORK. That is one of the major goals of this project . . . to build awareness of the arts and the artists of the Juneau County Area.

Help me make this a better place for artists by making a submission . . .
Deadline is March 15, 2010